Friday, November 22, 2013

Cool Kid Red and the Crafty Wolf By: Marvin-Travaughn Atkinson

Cool Kid Red and the Crafty Wolf
By: Marvin-Travaughn Atkinson 
A young gentleman by the name of Cool Kid Red lived in a studio apartment in the valley. He was nick-named Cool Kid Red by his friends, because of the fly red bowtie coupled with a pair of black shades, which he received from his loving sister on his 18th birthday. He was an average-sized kid who smiled and dressed sharp everywhere that he went. He never got in any trouble around the neighborhood.

One day he woke up to the world, brown eyed and nappy tailed, to start his day off like any other. He began his daily morning regimen by taking a shower, washing his face, shaving, and brushing his teeth. He finally got dressed, and he received a phone call from his bruh, Jo-Jo said that he was having an intimate house party later on with some of their friends: Felicia, Brianna, Travaughn, and Evan. But Jo-Jo asked one thing:

 “If you would, be on time and please bring some chips and pop because we might put in and buy a pizza and wings.”

Cool Kid Red said, “Ok just give me at least two hours and I’ll be on my way.”

So Cool Kid Red left his apartment building and started on his way to the store to buy the chips and pop. He went in and paid for them and when he left with them in a bag, a Wolf tried to start a conversation with him. He was an individual that really didn’t have any intentions of high aspirations in life, because he always spent his time on the corner busy getting in to other people’s business, getting them off their path and losing their train of thought, when he was not being devilish which was all the time also.

The Wolf asked him where he was going with all of those snacks!

Cool Kid Red said, “To a house party around the way.”

The Wolf said, “Its Friday can you make it more specific?”

Cool Kid Red said no, but the Wolf continued to bother him so he told him where it was, at Jo-Jo’s house around the way.  

The Wolf said that Cool Kid Red reminded him of a little girl with a red cap.  The Wolf continued to ask questions, like “What kind of music are all you going to listen to?”, while time was just ticking away.

Cool Kid Red said, “I have to go, so long.”

As Cool Kid Red was walking away, the Wolf reminded him that he forgot some Def Jams, for the party to dance to. Cool Kid Red thought to his self, we do like to listen to music while we eat” so he spent some more time in the Record Theater.

Busy getting music that he thought everyone would like, he spent half an hour in the store buying music. Once he was satisfied with his choices, he paid, and was on his way to Jo-Jo’s house. While Cool Kid Red was doing that, the Wolf started to think to his self “I haven’t eaten in a while and I really like dark meat,” so he started on his way to Jo-Jo’s house, but he wasn’t familiar with his surroundings of the inner-city. The bold Wolf still knocked on his door once, twice.

On the third time Jo-Jo opened the door and said “Who are you and why are you on my property? I don’t know who you are.”  

 The Wolf said “But you look delicious to me,” as his mouth was salivating.

 Jo-Jo said, “No I don’t,” as they got into their fighting positions.  They shared their fair amount of blows outside but when Jo-Jo turned around the wolf took a brick and threw it right at Jo-Jo’s head, knocking him unconscious and dragging him in his house. The Wolf locked him in the coat closet.

Once Cool Kid Red finally arrived at Jo-Jo’s house with the snacks, Cool Kid Red knew that something was wrong because his door was kind of cracked open and Jo-Jo never did that. Cool Kid Red busted right in, placed the chips and pop on the table in the living room, and then rushed to see what was wrong with his friend.

Cool Kid Red called his name “Jo-Jo, Jo-Jo where are you?”

When the Wolf heard him come in, he panicked and jumped right in the bed. Cool Kid Red discovered that he was in the room relaxing in his bed with the covers up to his nose. He thought at first it was Jo-Jo. So he said, “I thought we were about to party.” When Cool Kid Red got closer he realized that something was up.

Cool Kid Red said, “Jo-Jo, What thick facial hair you have.” “The better to get the ladies with” replied the Wolf.

      “What big ears you have,” declared Cool Kid Red. “The better to hear music with,” replied the Wolf.

“What big hands you have, declared Cool Kid Red. “The better to palms a basketball with,” replied the Wolf.

 “What big teeth you have you right,” declared Cool Kid Red. “You’re right,” replied the Wolf. “The better to eat you with.”

Cool Kid Red said “My dude, you don’t want this.” He had been taking karate since the age of thirteen.  The wolf put up a fight, but Cool Kid Red ended up, whopping his tail literally and then he tied the Wolf up to a chair with a rope in the living room because he did not believe in killing.

Cool Kid Red picked up the house telephone and called 9-1-1. An officer picked up and said, “There has been a bunch of wolf imposters showing in people’s beds in the area. Thank you for calling. We will be right over to place him behind bars. Cool Kid Red said “Thank you, officer.”

Once he put the phone down he heard someone in the closet so he went over to unlock it and found Jo-Jo. 

 Cool kid Red saw the shiner on his friend’s head and said “Jo-Jo, do you need to go to the hospital, because it looks pretty bad?”

Jo-Jo said “No it’s all good. All I need some ice wrapped in a wash cloth.” Cool kid Red got it for him and said “Do you know what happened to you?” Jo-Jo said, “I do know that I was in a fight and the rest was a blur.”

 The police finally came to usher the wolf to jail, and as they were leaving, Felicia, Brianna, Travaughn, and Evan were walking up the steps. Cool Kid Red and Jo-Jo told them everything that happened to them that day.  Felicia said “I saw something about that on the news this week; I never thought that it would happen to my friends.”

Brianna said, “Why didn’t you kill him, I could use a fur jacket.”

Then Cool kid Red replied, “I could not do that, because life is not mine to take away.”

Travaughn said, “Well you should have told that to George Zimmerman, the person who killed Trayvon Martin.”

Evan said “But the good thing is that we’re all safe now.”

Everyone said, “I agree, but. Can we call the pizzeria?”

Felicia called the pizzeria and ordered a large party pizza and fifty wings and in thirty minutes the pizza arrived. They all put in a fair amount of money when the pizza came and started to eat and listen to music. While thinking about what happened and said to each other that they would be punctual next time. As they continued to fellowship with each other, Cool Kid Red stood up and said, “I, Cool Kid Red, believe that I am my brother’s and sister’s keeper.”

 Every one learned their lesson, spent the night and left the next morning when the party was over, and they all lived happily ever after in peace.           


  1. I honestly don't have anything negative to say about this. I thought it was wonderful and very creative. I love the way you described Red's character. I especially liked the whole fight scene. It was kinda funny! I liked it!

  2. I thought this was vey well written with a wonderful twist on the original story. I like how you brought the main character kind of into the 20th century with the party. Very well done!
