Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Wolf's Thanksgiving by Phil Stasik

A Wolf's Thanksgiving

            Once upon a time, it was my job to cook for Thanksgiving dinner.  So I had to go out and find the Turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy. I was cooking the Turkey for Thanksgiving for my family. I went to the store and took a nice little stroll to get all the ingredients I needed to have the feast. I ended up running out of gravy, so I walked down the street to ask my neighbor for a cup of gravy. Now this neighbor was a poor innocent girl and she wasn't too bright either. She had just made her Thanksgiving Day meal for her family and it was sitting on the table all ready to go. So of course the minute I knocked on the door, there was no answer. I didn't want to just walk into someone else's house.
So I yelled:
" Is anyone in there? "
No answer.
I was just about to go home without the cup of gravy for my family’s Thanksgiving Day feast. I finally yelled one more time and the little girl came to the door with her oven mitts on and her apron. We ended up talking for a while and she offered for me to stay with her and her grandmother for dinner.
            After a few minutes of talking she welcomed me into her house where we were flirting and having a great time. Her grandmother loved me and was already talking about taking me in. We were all ready to start feasting and then the little girl realized she forgot the gravy. So I told her I would go for a nice long walk to the store with her to grab it. So we left granny at home and we walked through the woods to the local food market. After an hour passed she really began to fall for me after I kept snoozing her into my little games. I realized I had her right where I wanted her. She was so into me she totally forgot her grandma was waiting at home for the Thanksgiving meal. So I asked her to come back to my place for a little and we sat down, watched a movie and had fun. Little does she know I could care less about her just wanted a meal for my family.
            The only way for me to feed my family was to steal their food because it was almost an hour till dinnertime and I was yet to find any food for the meal. After we hung out she finally realized that she should go get the gravy and go back to her grandma, so I offered to walk her out. I ended up giving a call to all my family members that means we have found food. So I barked three times and they all came running over. We ended up eating her to shreds because we new that was the only way we could find some food for ourselves and enjoy our thanksgiving. The last thing I had to do was go and eat the grandmother and then we could have a full Thanksgiving Day meal and I could be the hero. So I quickly ran over to her house and finished her up then called all my family members over to the house. The meal was already put out on the table and good to go the only thing missing was the gravy, which I eventually made using the blood from the two bodies and we feasted.
             After all the hard work and time I had to put into for finding everything we needed for this meal it finally all worked out. Ended up making the gravy myself and my family and I ended up feasting at the little girl’s house and had one heck of a time.


  1. This is a very creative story Phil! I liked how you used first person narration. I like how you kept the main idea of the story the same with the wolf being the bad guy, eating both grandma and the little girl. I also enjoyed how you updated the intertext so it better fit into our society today. I favorite part of your story was that even though the wolf was the bad guy, you perceived him to be the hero to his family members, and even though he was bad, he didn't seem to be a bad guy. I would only suggest to proof read your essay one last time to be sure of small spelling errors and choice of wording. Very nice story Phil!

  2. It's a wonderful story! You extended the story of Little Red Riding Hat but took the wolf as the first person narration, which is very creative. You shaped a vivid image of wolf and had another story about the Little Red Riding hat from a different perspective.
