Friday, November 22, 2013

Red Turn: by Brianna Mathis

Red Turn

Once upon a time  in a peaceful village there lived a young girl called Red Riding Hood, She got the name from always having a red cape with a hood everywhere she went.was the most adorable and kindhearted girl in the whole town, with her long blonde her, sapphire eyes that shine like diamonds, glowing fair skin, rosy cheeks she looked like an angel sent from heaven. If she sees anyone in trouble she will go out her to try and help them, whether  she knew you or not.

One day, Red and her mother lefted the village to go visit her grandma to have a nice family dinner. When they arrived they quickly took notice that the Flower garden in front of the brick house looked like it had not be watered in days.

" That's strange, Mother always kept her garden looking beautiful." said Red's mother.

" Do you think something is wrong Mother?" asked Red Riding Hood.
Red's mother patted the 13 year old on her head gently. " I hope not , Let's not waste time out here wondering." said Mother.

"Mother?" Are you there?" Its me and Red." said Mother as she knocked on the wooden door,seconds pasted but there was no answer. Red bend down to the welcome rug near the door and lifted it up to reveal the spare house key. she picked it up and handed the key to her mother, she unlocked it and the two enter the house.

"Mother?" called Red's Mother, The living room was dark but the fire in the fireplace kept it well lit but there was no sign of grandma. Red put the basket of food on the the dining table and walked to the kitchen to see if her grandma was there baking cookies and she just didn't hear them because of her bad hearing.

"Grandma?" called Red Riding Hood. Just like the living room the kitchen was empty as well.

" Maybe your grandmother is her room taking a nap in her room." said Mother. they made their way down the hall to grandma;s room. Mother stepped forward and knocked on the door.

"Mother, are you in there?" called Red's mother. there was silents, Red and her looked at one other wearing the same worried expression. Mother opened the door to find the room dark with just the afternoon light glowing throw the window. On the other side of the room laid grandma on her bed sleeping. which brought relief to both Red and her mother. They walked over to her, she was softly snoring. Red giggled at how adorable how her grandma slept.

Mother gently shook grandma to wake up. " mother, mother, wake up." she said. the old women started to open her eyes to see her daughter and her little granddaughter standing above her.

" Well hello there girls." said Grandma happily giving them both a big smile.

" Hi granny." greeted Red Riding Hood as she hugged her.

" Hello Mother, are you ok? we noticed that your garden was not looking nice as you always have them, and you wouldn't be napping around this time either." said Mother.

" Oh, well I have been feeling a little over the weather this past few days." said Grandma

" Well its a good thing we came by today isn't?" said Mother as she looked at Red.

" Yep." said Red.

" Now Red I'm going to make a nice hot bowl of soup for grandma to help her feel better, but I need to you go  down the stone path near the house to the  big oak tree. It has herbs that I use for the soup." said Mother

" Ok mother." said Red. She turn around and started walking to the living room but stop when her mother called her. she turned to see her mother walk over to her.

" I want you to go to the oak tree and back, don't go anywhere else, and don't talk to people you don't know ." said Mother

" Yes ma'ma." said Red. she walked outside and put her red hood up on her head and went her way to the oak tree.

Once she got the herbs for the soup, she was making her way back when she saw this tall young man leaning against a tree. he had on white shirt with black pants and boots. his hair was dark brown hair and his eyes were green as the grass. He looked at her with smirk.

" Well hello young lady, its a nice afternoon isn't?" asked the man. Red just looked at him for a second and she thought he looked very handsome as she began to blush.

" Um,y-yes it is." said Red looking down at the ground as the young man continued to stare her with that handsome smirk.

" What do you have there?" asked the Man

" Oh, these are herbs for my sick Grandma." said Red still looking at ground not looking at the dreamy eyes of the man. He walked over to her, seeing this Red started to walk forward to the way to her grandma's 

" Herbs huh, well that is very nice of you." said the man as he walked along side her. Red blushed even more.

" Hey does your grandma live in a brick house?" asked the young man. Red stopped then turned to the man in surprise.

" Y-Yes, How do you Know?" Asked Red.

" I sometimes go over her house to check on her. there are a lot of things that can happen to a women her age." He said smoothly while flashing her a grin.

" Oh, well that is very kind of you." said Red smiling at young man. " Not only is his good looking but kind too." Thought Red.

" Yes I was  my way to check on her When i saw you, your grandma never told that she had such a cute granddaughter." said the young man as he touched her cheek. Red looked at the young man in the eyes and she has never seen such a beautiful peer of eyes in her life.

" O-Oh, t-thank you." said Red Riding Hood as she was lost in his eyes still. The young man still holding her cheek give her a kind smile.

" You know I never got your name young lady, what is it?" asked the man

" R-Red." stutter Red. for some reason she felt like her body has gone numb.

" Red, nice name, is it because of this hood you have? asked the young man touching the hood on her head.

" Yes, b-because I like to wear it, my father give it to me before he died." said Red

" Oh, sorry to hear able that." said the young man

" It's ok, I still have my dearest mother and grandmother." said Red. she then looked at the sky to realize that she has been gone long then she have been. " Oh dear, I must get back before my mother gets worried." she said. she turned to rush back to her grandma's when something grabbed her arm stopping her in her tracks. she turned and looked up at the young man.

" Wait, why don't w both go so that way I can help out." he said.
Red looked unsure. " Um, I don't know about-

" Its okay your grandma knows me so there should not be a problem." he said stopping Red from declining his offer. Red still looked unsure but if her grandma knows him then her mother won't be that mad.

" Ok," Red said smiling at him.

" Good then." the young man said smirking at her.
Red took a second to stare at the man, he was so young and handsome, his voice made her weak in the knees. " I um, you never told me your name." she said.

" I didn't?" he said playing dumb

" No you did not." Red said giggling. the young man stepped closer to her until he was in front of her. He brought his hand down and tilted her chin up. Red stared into his eyes finding herself lost again with her body having that numbing feeling.

" Well miss Red you don't have to worry about not knowing my name because you will remember it for the rest of your life as my mate." He said with a monster of a grin. showing her his suddenly  razor sharp fangs.
Red wide eyed and shocked looked at him in confusion." W-What?" said Red

The young man's green eyes started to glow. " My name my love is Fang."

Red's sapphire eye's suddenly went completely blank as Fang put the young girl under a trance. He smirked evilly as his plan was a success. When Red and her mother were on their way to visit grandma Fang had followed them without them knowing.When he saw Red Riding Hood he wanted her as his mate. Seeing her all alone out here was his chance and he took it. He looked at his mate-to-be and decide to put his final plan into action.

" My love I do think its time we go have dinner at your grandma's don't you?" asked Fang. Red says nothing as she is still in a deep trance. " Well I think before we go will I should get you ready for dinner." he said as he put down her hood to reveal her neck. The Sun begin to set just as Fang brought down his mouth on new Mate's neck, marking her as his and sealing her fate.
" She has been gone for to long," said Red's mother as paced in the living room after she finished cleaning the house while she waited Red to come back with the herbs. her mother sat in her rocking chair knitting.

" Are you going to look for her?" asked grandma

"Yes, she has been gone to long, I told her to get the herbs and come back." said Mother as was about get her coat. Suddenly the door slam open, scaring the two women. there standing at the door was a young man who looked like he was in his early 20's, also standing next to him was Red Riding Hood.

" Oh thank god Red your ok." said Mother as she started to walk to her but stopped when she noticed that something was wrong with her daughter. Her beautiful eyes  were no longer Sapphire, instead they were dark green. She also had a emotionless look on her face.

" Red, are your ok?" asked Mother in worry. Grandma looked at Red then at the young man.

" Who are you?" asked Grandma in confusion. Red's mother look at him  and give him a questing look as also.

" Oh me, my name is Fang." said Fang. " Me and my mate are here to have dinner." He looked at them with hunrgy eyes.

" Y-YOUR MATE." yelled Mother as she look at her daughter putting her arms around Fang, snuggling into his stomach.

" Yes, She is mine." Fang said smirking madly at the women. he put Red's Hood back to reveal a bite wound on her neck. " Beautiful isn't it?"

" YOU SICK MONSTER, GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER.!!" said Mother as step forward to the couple.She stop When Red let go of Fang to stand protectively in front of him growling in anger  at her mother. Red's mother took a stand back in shock.

" Red, sweet heart, its me mommy." said Mother

Red continued to growl at her. Fang looked proud. " Sorry mommy, but Red doesn't know you nor that old hag anymore.The only  thing that she knows right now is that it's dinner time and you two are looking very tasty right." Fang and Red eye's started to glow bright green, as this was happening their faces and arms became hairy, teeth becoming fang, hands became hairy with claws, and pointy ears. Standing before the two women are horrifying looking Werewolves.

Mother and grandma both to stunted with fear to move as they stare fearly at the growling young monster that used to their darling Red Riding Hood. Fang step next Red looking at their prey.

"Red my dear, I think its time for dinner." Said Fang as the two wolves leaped and pounced on their prey.


After their feast, Fang and Red left to begin their new lives together as mates that terrorizes and prey on others for their thrill.



1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this story. I could clearly see the intertext from both Little Red Cap and Company of Wolves. Your dialogue was very extensive and thought out. I would consider working on sentence structure and some basic grammar mistake, however overall it was an entertaining piece. Good Job!
