Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wolf Pack! by Eric Schlegel

          There was once a pack of Wolves who lived together in a forest. They had a camp set up right on the edge of the forest and they spent their days hunting and searching for food to bring back to the others. These wolves pride themselves on their survival skills and their ability to hunt and gather food not just for themselves, but for the entire pack. Jared, who was considered the alpha male of the pack once took a stand before his fellow wolves and said
                              "Everybody, we must swear that when we hunt we hunt for each other, and that we will now make it a point to not return to camp unless we have some type of food to bring to the rest." 

"All those who agree, say I."

Everybody including Brian, one of the younger wolves who always seemed to rise above the rest of the pack when it came to hunting and gathering repeated "I"

"The forest is running out of food quickly, and the best chance for survival is by standing together as one and helping each other out. Whatever type of meat you find roaming around in this forest must be killed and brought back to camp" said Jared.

Mickey, the agitator of the pack would always try to get under Brian's skin before he went out to hunt.  There was nothing that he would have loved more than to see Brian fail at doing something that he is really good at because when it came to hunting for food Brian always did just a little bit better than Mickey. The next morning Brian, Mickey, and a few of the other wolves set out to hunt and right before Brian was about leave Mickey ran right by him, pushed him over and yelled

"Try to catch something today, Loser"

Brian was never one to instigate a fight, he always knew that Mickey was jealous of him and he knew what Mickey was trying to do when he did that, so he just ignored it and kept his mind set on hunting. As he began his hunt he went off on his own to find whatever he could to bring back to the camp. It turned out to be a pretty slow day, there wasn't a whole lot of prey being spotted for Brian to hunt.

Later that day Brian finally came across something he spotted moving in the distance. As he got closer and closer he realized the creature he spotted was in fact human. A young woman dressed in a red coat walking through the forest with a basket in her hand. When Brian first spotted her his initial instincts were to kill her, but as he got closer he realized how beautiful he thought she was and immediately second guessed his actions. He continued to walk towards her and as soon she spotted him she reached for the knife she was carrying in her basket.

"I'm not here to hurt you I swear" he said

"My name is Brian, What is yours?" he asked

she replied slowly "Megan......... My name is Megan"

As the minutes past her comfortability level got stronger, to the point she let go of the knife and started talking more smoothly than she had been. After a while of talking to her Brian found out she grew up on a small ranch right outside of the forest, she loves animals being outdoors, and red is her favorite color. As they were talking, laughing and getting along with each other so well Brian then knew that he couldn't follow along with what he and the other wolves agreed to do, which was to kill every creature in site and drag the bodies back to camp to be used as food.

"So what are you doing out here in the woods by yourself?", asked Brian.

Little Red replied, "I am on my way to my grandmothers house to deliver her some goods. She lives all the way on the other side of the forest and it was quicker for me to walk straight through rather than walk all the way around."

"Walking around in this forest alone is dangerous, why don't you let me walk you there just so you get there safe."

"It's alright I have made this trip before, I am certain I can handle it"

"You can't ever be to sure though, I have lived in this forest a long time and there are many predators out there and will attack if they see a creature walking a lone Please let me walk you there."

"Well........... Ok then", said Little Red

So they began walking down the road towards her Grandmothers house. They only had a few miles to go but they got there just before Sunset. As they walked up to the door together, she turned and thanked him for walking her there.

"No Problem", he replied 

"If you're ever walking through the forest again and are in need of an escort just yell my name, and I come running".

Little Red smiled at him and turned to go inside. Just as Brian turned around to head back to his hunt he  noticed something moving in the trees, and as quick as he could he pounced on whatever it is was that was moving. As he was about to kill it, he recognized the face of the creature he had caught. It was Mickey. Mickey, feeling that Brian was stunned a bit to see that it was him immediately swiped him in the face with his paw, and as soon as he got up yelled


"I can't wait to tell everyone at camp about this" 

Before Brian had a chance to say anything, Mickey ran off back to camp. Later that night when Brian returned the whole pack was there waiting for him. Jared, the leader of the pack went up to him and said 
"What happened tonight Brian? Why haven't you returned with any food for the pack?"

Brian replied, "I just......"

" I know what happened Brian, I know you lead a young female human to her grandmothers house in the woods, instead of killing her for food like you swore you would do. How could you betray us like that?" said Jared

Brian replied again, " I just couldn't do it"

"Well Brian, lucky for you I'm feeling rather generous and am willing to give you another shot to redeem yourself. Tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn you and Mickey are going go back to this house. You're going to kill both the girl and the old lady, and you are going to bring their bodies back to us. If you come back without those bodies Brian, you will be serving yourself as a replacement".

"Understood," said Brian

When Dawn came around, and it was time get up and get ready for the hunt, Brian received a rather rude awakening from Mickey. 

"Time to go....... Unless you're afraid to do it," said Mickey

Brian, ignoring him once again got up and got himself ready to go. At this point he was certain he did not want to go through with this. However, instead of causing a scene right at camp and risk waking up the rest of the pack, he devised a plan in his head to lead Mickey away from the campsite before turning on him. As soon as they got there they stopped for a brief second to scope the house. Mickey then turned to Brian and asked him
"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, let's go", replied Brian

As they began to move in Brian cleverly got himself into position where he could catch Mickey off guard so he could attack. Once the opportunity had presented itself he immediately pounced on Mickey and killed him. But not before Mickey let out one final Roar, one which woke up both the female and the grandmother. As they both came out screaming to what they saw had happened, Brian instructed them both to pack up everything they could in the next five minutes and he would lead them out of there. He knew that the other wolves would be showing up here very soon and that he had to get them out of there as fast as he could. 

As Brian lead them out of the woods, he heard the sound of roars in the distance. He knew he had got them out of there just in time. He also knew that he was alone from there on out and would have to fend for himself from then on. He knew what he did was right and he had no regrets with his decisions.

1 comment:

  1. Reading the story, I was able to tell that this story was connected to The Company of Wolves. I was able to realize it was connected to The company of Wolves by the way the pack of wolves was sent out to hunt and the one wolf spotted red and was assisted her to Grandma's house. I like how the original story stayed within in this story with the wolves roar as a warning call. I think the way the story was updated had a nice twist because the way the pack made Brian choose what he wanted and how he wanted to act. The act of passion for Red was shown by informing her and her Grandma to get out of the house and how Brian helped them get out quickly.
