Thursday, November 21, 2013

Dark Like The Sun by Alexis Eagen

Dark Like the Sun

He has locked her in the cage

Hidden away from the rest of the world.

“It does not do to dwell,” he says

So she sits and stares in hopeless curiosity.

“Life is very much more exciting now than it used to be.”

Obsession has cured boredom.

She has found her sanity

Beyond the break in her room.

Her hope has become this yellow wall.

She knows what is waiting on the other side:


Just outside her reach.

Covered by that ugly color,

There is an evil on the other side.

One that he has helped to create

But only she can see.

Such a bright color

Never kept a room so dark.

Beyond the yellow wall

Lays her sanity.


  1. Very nice I like the idea of the yellow wall in poem form. It shows what she hopes for her self and confusion.

  2. I can sense that it is based on The Yellow Wallpaper in the woman's obsession to the yellow wall. You described her sanity very well and I like the part "She knows what is waiting on the other side: Freedom." because it is so related with the original novel and its theme.
