Thursday, November 21, 2013

Mason by Phyllis Grogan


Small and soft
timid purr
hiding in the corner:

Behind these bars
in this steel box
in this room,at this school.

Here to help the students
become better veterinarian technologists.

But still,
it would be nice to be home and free.


Big orange and sweet
curious and cautious:

He knows the one,for him alone
the one with long dark hair,
who cares the most.

He greets her pulling on shoe laces
and chasing toy mice.

Always ending with,
a cuddle and nap on the lap.


Black and white
a pure delight.

Always ready to please
and chase some mice.

His purr can warm the heart
and wash away a stressful day.

Helping his brother,know that the
humans really are not that bad.

All they really want is what is best for us.

So all and all,
it really is an okay place,even if it is temporary.


Coat of many colors
dainty and petite:

nose through the bars
pick me, pick me.

In need of special care she
visits a home.

Romping around not confined,
happy and free, settling down
a purring little fur ball.

Now this,
is the life she believes in having the most.

By  Phyllis Grogan


  1. I am not exactly sure but I believe that you are using the writing style of Yun Dong Ju. I like the way that you took his style of writing poetry and applied it to what you are learning. He wrote about the things that were important to him in his country and you were able to take the style and apply it to a completely different topic. I liked what you wrote!

  2. Sorry but I'm confused which novel you are intertextifying.
